Find here all our inspiring interviews, feature articles and analysis on youth engagement

Youth exchange : the school of life
My name is Lilia Gasmi, I am 20 years old and I had the chance to participate in a youth exchange in Kagel, Germany, in September 2019. This exchange was designed to give us keys to better understand our lives and create our own "hero journey". Interested? So read me...

Youth Exchange “Violence Is Not Our Way”, Croatia
"Violence is not our way" was a youth exchange of Erasmus+ gathering around 50 young people between 13 and 18 years old from 6 different countries. Every young people was doing activities and workshops to the others to tackle the issue of violence. A multicultural...

Leonie Martin (26 yo) – “youth wants to be politically active”, politic
First in the video... Leonie Martin was about to explain how to overcome the fact that too often young people are not taken seriously. "I think we need to be more assertive so we need to go into the room. We know what we can, we know about our capacities,, we know...

Official (and informal) figures in Palestine
Youth ID official figures in Palestine 1 visit to the French consulate in Palestine 2 nights spent with our flashlight initiative Skatepal 4 hours interviewing our young decision maker Malek Abualfailat 6 cities visited in the whole country : Jerusalem, Hebron,...

Malek Abualfailat (30 yo), “Catching up the delay…”
First in the video... Malek Abualfailat was about to explain that "empowering young people can be going when you think doing a change in your area and not wait for a change. You have to adapt yourself to the current situation. For example, I am an environmentalist and...

Infography. Emerging Business Factory, “the very first incubator in Marrakesh”, entrepreuneurship
Youth ID met Emerging Business Factory in the district of Sidi Ghanem. It was an old industrial district of Marrakesh facing the textile crisis in the 80s. So, naturally, Emerging Business Factory was created on december of 2015. It is the very first private incubator...

Youssef Ben Hayoun (27), “Young people have to believe in their hidden talent”, sport & culture
In the video... Youssef Ben Hayoun was about to explain "why and how young people have to believe in their hidden talent". So now, his answer: "There are full of talented young people everywhere. To believe in yourself you need to know what you are able to do. I am...

Technion, “The Israeli MIT”, institute of technology
Technion, located in Haifa (Israel), represents one of the best universities and research-technology center of the world! Youth ID had the chance to visit and meet them on their amazing campus. Within 3 parts, find on our infography ad article an analysis of this...

“Youth is not an age. It’s a spirit” Yoel Zirah (26), Zabilo CMO, E-commerce
In the video... Yoel Zirah was about to explain "how people should see youth not as an age but a spirit, a state of mind?". So now, his answer: "People should change their interpretation of young people. Indeed, when you see youth as an age you see that you miss some...

“Youth Is Not An Excuse” Adnane Addioui 30-under-30, social entrepreneurship
In the video... Adnane Addioui was about to explain "how the youth should think about the decisions they have to take and be ambitious?” His answer: Young people should “not be focused on their studies alone. Unfortunately, most young people in some societies are only...