How to become a volunteer
1. Co-host regular events/workshops
Each month we offer events and workshops on various themes. We need motivated volunteers to lead them with us! To animate a film-debate? An intercultural evening? An online intercultural exchange? etc. If you are interested in animation, this mission is for you.
At first, it is a question of co-hosting with a permanent member of Youth ID, nothing prevents you from being left completely in charge of your event/workshop afterwards.
The first step is always to take part in one or more events before considering the next step (organisation, animation, etc.).
2. Propose an event/workshop
Organise and run an event/workshop for young people. Do you think an event/workshop should be on our monthly schedule but you are not there today? Do you think you could organise this event with our support? Let us know your idea and we can see if it is doable.
For example, Mathilde proposed us to animate a workshop on photography herself entitled “Photography and Solidarity” whose objective is to use photography to think and act for solidarity. The idea is to discover how photography can raise awareness and bring people together around common causes (pollution, gender equality, inequalities, etc.).
3. Creating Communication Materials
Photoshop experts? Indesign ? Video editing ? We need help to create some communication supports.
Graphic design/photomontage: the idea is to choose together a theme for a communication campaign aimed at our social networks (for example: a series of post Instagram to break certain stereotypes, highlight the interest of going on a trip, etc.). Then, you create the content of this campaign yourself, we review it together and share it on our social networks.
Video editing: we have a lot of testimonial videos from participants in our programs. We would like to be able to edit them and to broadcast them on our website and on our networks but we don’t have the time. So we need motivated volunteers to make nice editing of these testimonies!
We also need to get certain messages across and communicate our programs via video, so if there are motivated experts, we’re in!
We have a monthly newsletter to present you with upcoming events, opportunities to go abroad and other activities, as well as our previous projects.