Arte al margen
Art in the margin in English, this project was developed by Youth ID in Barcelona. This is not an action for the homeless but with them, hand in hand.
Unveiling life in the street
Arte al Margen aims to enable homeless people, through their own photos, to challenge us about the unknown and often misunderstood world of precariousness. The goal is to raise individual and collective awareness leading to more solidarity.
Reflection on marginality
How to reintegrate people in margins but we also integrate into these margins that have a lot to teach us. Poetic, puerile sometimes, offbeat, disturbing often, these photos will not leave you insensitive and remind you that behind each photo, there is a person living in precariousness.
Support throughout the project
Throughout the creative process, young people took care of photo workshops with the homeless. Most of them were confronted for the first time with street life. The culmination of the project was an exhibition at the premises of a business school (TBS Barcelona) during which the public and students were able to discover the works of homeless artists.